Your generosity allows us to reach our world

Reasons to Give


The gospel proclamation in this end time is vitally important. We have a mandate to preach, teach and baptized. This mandate envelopes us all. As you liberally give, you are contributing to souls being won for God’s Kingdom and His glory. “This Gospel must be preached in the whole world… then will the end come” (Matthew 24:14).


The church in Acts gave willingly from their resources. It is recorded that they sold what they have and shared it equally amongst themselves. By your generous and thoughtful contributions, you are serving to replicate the early church, wherein daily were added to the church “those who were being saved” (Acts 2:44-47)


As a body of believers, we are expected to care for those in need as Christ did while here on earth. At no other time is the need for help greater than in a time of disaster. Your benevolence would aid in providing some form of normalcy to those most affected in the event of an untimely natural disaster. We are assured in doing such, God will be pleased (Hebrews 13:16).

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